My pal Beefy does it all. He keeps a great blog, composes incredible nerdcore hip-hop for all to enjoy, and makes one of the funniest webcomics I've ever read. Why aren't you at his website right now?

Boxcar Comics

These guys are a great group of webcomic creators. You should check them all out, but pay special attention to Theater Hopper, Rob and Elliot, and You'll Have That.

Dayfree Press

Another great webcomic conglomerate. I read almost every webcomic this site promotes, but Sam and Fuzzy and Questionable Content are my two personal favorites from this group.

Dmitri vs. the World

I consider this guy not only a good friend, but by far the most talented artist I know. Check out his portfolio and I think you'll agree with me (he also runs a great LiveJournal).

Friendly Hostility

A truly excellent webcomic. It's story-based, so I recommend reading it from the beginning.

Natch Evil

Mike Rojas is a deeply disturbed man. Thank goodness he's far too busy making incredible webcomics to hunt down and kill us all. Make sure to check out this perfect blend of depravity and hilarity.


Click this link for your recommended daily dose of crazy. Jeffrey Rowland is a very funny man.




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